Want to send in a suggestion for the Waze app?

Want to send in a suggestion for the Waze app?

As you might be aware, this website is ran by the volunteers who maintain the navigation map of Waze within Belgium. The Waze app however is maintained solely by Waze, the company. We therefore do not have any control over what gets added to the Waze app. It is...
Waze is klaar voor het Circulatieplan van Gent

Waze is klaar voor het Circulatieplan van Gent

Ook na 3 april zal Waze u correct door Gent loodsen Waze, de gratis “turn-by-turn”-gps-navigatie app, zal als één van de enige bij de aanvang van het Gentse Circulatieplan rekening houden met de gewijzigde verkeerssituatie. Vanaf 3 april treedt in Gent...
Routes XL activated

Routes XL activated

As of today it is possible to plan longer routes as well! From now on, the new “Routes XL” servers were taken in use, which should eliminate the need for having to add a stopover halfway your route. Waze was originally conceived as an app for calculating...
Waze Meetup 2018 in Breukelen (NL)

Waze Meetup 2018 in Breukelen (NL)

Yesterday we had the yearly community meetup during which we were able to discuss things within the community and talk with Waze staff about everything concerning Waze. It was great seeing everybody again and we learnt a lot about the various projects that are going...
Apple CarPlay Support released!

Apple CarPlay Support released!

As of today it is possible to use Apple’s CarPlay on iPhones to use Waze on your car’s built-in media unit (if your car supports Apple CarPlay, of course). A great many of you have been eager for this to happen, so we hope the expectations can be...
Rock Werchter 2018

Rock Werchter 2018

Are you thinking about rocking out at Rock Werchter this year? Waze is ready for it! To ease your trip, we have listed a couple of tips & tricks below. To try and get to the festival as smoothly as possible, it would be best to choose one of the destinations...
Comment vous placer sur la carte des éditeurs

Comment vous placer sur la carte des éditeurs

Si vous participez à l’édition de la Carte Gps de Waze au Benelux, Vous pouvez placez un repère indiquant votre localisation sur la carte des éditeurs. Cette carte permet de trouver un autre éditeur qui est dans une région donné. Cella est pratique  quant on a...
Waze Beacons

Waze Beacons

Navigation systems are great… as long as they can get a satellite signal. Without satellites, navigation systems turn back into the regular map from the past. Having your navigation system turn into a regular map halfway during a drive can be very discomforting...